Treatment History
A medical record is an individual medical case for an animal. You can supply different conditions if the case evolves, along with different treatment strategies - giving a full historical treatment history for the animal. It is left up to the app provider / user to determine what constitutes as a new medical record.
Requests on this page assume you are sending the "Authorization" header.
For each of the requests below, you'll need to specify:
- Farm ID replacing :farmId with the farms' id in the methods below
- Animal ID replacing :animalId with the animals' id in the methods below
- Medical Record ID replacing :recordId with the records' id in the methods below
GET /api/farms/:farmId/animals/:animalId/medical-records/:recordId/treatment-history
This returns all the treatment history for the current record, paged by the default value of 20.
Get a Specific Treatment History
GET /api/farms/:farmId/animals/:animalId/medical-records/:recordId/treatment-history/:treatmentId
Advanced Search
POST /api/farms/:farmId/animals/:animalId/medical-records/:recordId/treatment-history/search
"successful_treatment": true,
"treated_by": ["Farmer"]
This returns all matching treatment histories, paged by the default value of 20.
POST /api/farms/:farmId/animals/:animalId/medical-records/:recordId/treatment-history
"start_date": "2017-11-12 16:01:12",
"end_date": "2017-11-19 17:00:00",
"response": "Ok",
"successful_treatment": false,
"treatment_strategy": "Solution for injection",
"treated_by": ["Farmer"],
"intervention_desc": "20ml to be given twice daily for 7 days."
PUT /api/farms/:farmId/animals/:animalId/medical-records/:recordId/treatment-history
DELETE /api/farms/:farmId/animals/:animalId/medical-records/:recordId/treatment-history
Field Name | Type | Notes |
_id | String | |
start_date | Date | The start date / time of treatment |
end_date | Date | The end date / time of treatment |
response | Enum (Excellent, Good, Ok, Poor, No Response, Adverse) | How the animal responded to the treatment |
successful_treatment | Boolean | Was the treatment successful - i.e. the medical case no longer persists. |
treatment_strategy | String | How was the animal treated? |
treated_by | [String] | Who has been treating the animal, Vet, Farmer etc. |
intevention_desc | String | A description / notes for the intervention |