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DataVet holds a central list of practices. At registration, your user is assigned a practice.

The list of practices is also dependant on the user you are logged in as - for example, a vet will only ever see practices they have access to.

Requests on this page assume you are sending the "Authorization" header.


GET /api/practices

This returns all the practices in the system that the user has access to, paged by the default value of 20.

Get a Specific Practice

GET /api/practices/:practiceId

Replacing :practiceId with the practice id.

Advanced Search

POST /api/practices/search

    "postcode": "CA5"

This returns all matching practices, paged by the default value of 20.


Field Name Type Notes Required (Optional if empty)
_id string Unique CPH number Yes
name string The name of the practice
address_line_1 string The first line of the address
address_line_2 string The second line of the address
address_line_3 string The third line of the address
town string
county string
postcode string
phone string Main contact number for the branch
email string Main contact email for the branch